Vegan Lasagna

When I count my blessings my sisters are at the top of that list!! Especially on days when my sister cooks for the family.

I am NOT a vegan although I do strive to eat healthier I am no where near where I would love to be eventually as far as my eating habits. (Hence why I’m obsessed about the products I use being natural. I can control that. Working on controlling my appetite 😅 Anyway, like most of you the thought of not eating meat or cheese makes me feel like I’m missing out. I’ve cut the dairy out bc it gives me a runny nose and I’ve cut pork out over a decade ago because it gave me migraines. So it’s easy to break up when you can SEE and immediately FEEL the toxicity but it ain’t so easy when the damage is slow. I’m not sharing this mouthwatering experience to convert anyone to be vegan (although I aspire) I’m just sharing bc it was GOOD ASF both literally and physically, you’re welcome 😏🤤😂🙏🏾❤️


Big s/o to Ayla Goodson CEO of Gemini Studioz & organizer of the Diabetes Walk in Mobile AL. It was a beautiful day! The crowd was diverse and family oriented. Wonderful event. If you missed this year make plans for next year.

My vendor booth in the park

Ajia & Lena

"BALLDROP" by Pikasso

Listen up!! This the one we gone toast to! 2021! Cheers to Pikasso for his latest single. I need you to hear it follow me there right quick———>>> BALLDROP then come back….


“YEA THIS SHIT LIKE MAGIC WITHOUT WAVING A WAND!!! Chess not checkers, the King playin the pawns….” Y’all heard it. Replay so you can catch ALL THE GEMS!! #FTHORKYS


What makes me an Alchemist:

Good day mate!! yall know the accent cough cough

Okay, yes, I must be extra extra, those who know know, those who didn’t know, welcome!! I am Ajia Z., blogger, writer, beauty and love guru. Yes, I have mastered the art of natural beauty (I have the paperwork, happy family and clientele to prove it). Yes, I am extremely proud of where I have come in this lifetime.

It started off kinda rocky for me. I lost my dad early, was in foster care for a brief moment then saved by my paternal grandma. Long story short I came from nothing, but LOVE. So I pretty much witnessed my grandparents make it happen with the very best of the bare minimum, if that makes sense.

I was an angry kid. I fought annually from 4th-11th grade. I stopped after briefly being transported through my local youth center. Became an orphan low key somewhere in there. BUT GOD!

At 31 and some change I can honestly say that I have everything Ive ever dreamed of and more. Big house ( I can hit a cartwheel in one of the hallways), healthy happy husband and a kids. Self-employed, BOSS mom (yes I hired my kids, you can too!). But the most important things I have are priceless & that’s PEACE & LOVE!!

I am writing this because I KNOW how powerful positive affirmations, ACTION, PRAYER and FAITH IS COMBINED. We literally have the mind power to CREATE the LIFE WE DREAM TO LIVE!!

This is my exclusive invitation to be a positive vibe in your weekly life, dassit. lmao ;) xoxo really though, I am asking that you subscribe and comment, inbox questions about life, love and business. I will be here more often to share what’s good!! Like back when it was simpler, ya know who blogging was fun before the ads and commercials. It brings me joy to uplift others. Writing is my first gift. Ive been so preoccupied with making a living I have neglected my gift, honestly. I am learning ME more everyday and honestly, I think its just God’s timing. I had been searching for inspiration which felt forced.

Today, right now, I am inspired to just go with the flow. So here I am saying hello and see you around on the internets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Clubhouse) @AjiaZ.

Sister Code is on YouTube!! 🗣🎉😂❤️

Hey y’all!! Your favorite cousin Arielle & I have joined the YouTube community. Subscribe if you have a profile! Leave comments to let us know how you feel! You guys can finally put some facial expressions with the shit we talk via podcast. Stay tuned for some big announcements! 




 “I want a #hunnitmillion ! I’m talking lotto bag! “


So, I’m just here to remind myself & you guys how powerful music is. Ya know how we listen to love music when we are in love, trap music when we turning up!!?? Well, Pikasso’s music is what you need in your ears to have you focused on your next best move. For this alone, Pikasso, I appreciate ya! HIT PLAY MFSSSSSSSS 😂😂😂😂😩 CLICK HERE 







#shmoney #bag #millions #lotto #skinnyniggaflexnlikeimmatcho 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Clearly you’ve made it to this post because you’re an Alabama fan! If not, well bless your heart.  

In honor of the first day of college football I’m sharing this really awesome piece of artwork.   

Anywho! My husband is your typical man when it comes to football. Maybe a little worse. He doesn’t just watch his favorite Crimson Tide. He watches whatever game is playing. Bama just so happens to be his preferred game.  

My husband isn’t easily impressed. He’s worked hard his whole life and basically owns everything a man would want to own. So you can imagine how hard that makes it to buy gifts for him. 

Well well well. Mf. (Excuse me kids). Looky what I got done for him for our anniversary this year. To be honest with you, if I wasn’t blessed to be the sister of one of the greatest artist I’ve ever known, PIKASSO, this wouldn’t have been possible. Anyway, check this out: 


Free hand. He’s a beast 😩😂😂🤷🏽‍♀️🙏🏾🤟🏾😝🏈 


I’ll post the finished product when it’s done. 



Taco Tuesday...sorta.

sooooo we wanted tacos but already had tortillas so I made shrimp enchiladas 🤷🏽‍♀️.

I love cooking quick meals. This meal usually takes about 45 minutes total  (prep & cook time). Well, I haven’t found a marker that sells peeled & deveined shrimp near my home so I had to devein 2 pounds of shrimp myself. That took about 30 minutes so um yea it wasn’t the quickest meal but it was worth the time. 




8 large tortillas  

2 lbs of peeled deveined shrimp  

half stick of butter  

Half packet of taco seasoning  

28oz enchilada sauce  

(Sour cream, shredded cheese, & chives optional)  

preheat over to 375  


cook shrimp in butter and taco seasoning  

mix in enchilada sauce and cheese  

pour sauce in 13x 9 pan just enough to coat bottom  

put scoop of shrimp sauce in tortilla and fold like a burrito really tight and place in pan

repeat until All 8 enchiladas are done. 

Pour excess sauce on top  

sprinkle with cheese  

cook 20 minutes or until lightly brown  

serve with sour cream and chives on top  


oh and don’t forget your side of rice, beans (black or kidney) and avocado 🥑! My avocado wasn’t ripe today. 😩😆😂🤷🏽‍♀️🍤 


bon appetit. 💕 


​yea. I know. #MCM is supposed to mean “Man  CrushMonday” BUT today, i NEED to crush on ME. 

mommy & Mekhi. 4 months postpartum. Hungry. Happy. Sleepy. #momlife 

mommy & Mekhi. 4 months postpartum. Hungry. Happy. Sleepy. #momlife 

Today I want to feel appreciated. Not that being appreciated isn’t something we all yearn for, maybe even daily, im strategically using it today. I’m literally going to (speaking with intent) crush so hard on myself today I will laugh at my to-do list by the end of this blog post (goals af right??). 

SN: Just in case you haven’t caught on, I believe words have power and that I can change my attitude ONLY if I change my focus. So today I’ll celebrate me. 🤷🏽‍♀️

A few hours ago I saw a Facebook memory of a photo shoot I did for a friends boutique (I have to s/o LaShonta bc she’s a momprenuer as well and she’s mf POPPIN (she styled this photo)

had to give y’all a close up on the face #makeupbyAjiaZ ooowwww 😍🙏🏾🤷🏾‍♀️😂 photography: @Ziare251

had to give y’all a close up on the face #makeupbyAjiaZ ooowwww 😍🙏🏾🤷🏾‍♀️😂 

photography: @Ziare251

so anyway it popped up in my memories on Facebook...I shared it with the caption ‘such a cauuuutie’. I remember that day like it was yesterday even though it was 4 years ago. It was hot af, in the hood, under the highway with my bro tryna get a good shot. It was my first time being wearing my natural hair for a professional shoot and the humidity fluffed my hair up! It turned out great though. 😅It was a good day.

Anyway, after a minute Jade (BFF from college) comments on my post ‘still a cutie’ and Brittany (BFF from high school) shares the pic with the caption ‘I love EVERYTHING about her’. I don’t see or talk to either one of them often (both mommy’s to a brand/kids) but they’ve always showed love *drops happy tear*). This shifted my focus  to celebrating me instead of beating me up for not organizing my closet instead 😩🙏🏾

Now, words (comments) are interesting because they have more power when said at the right/wrong time. While on an average day I would just smile 😊 say thanks and move on when given a compliment; today, at that moment, I needed to be reminded that I am still EVERYTHING to love even when I haven’t done EVERYTHING I decide needs to be done. follow me?? So now we are here with this blog post full of gratitude and acknowledgement of myself and a few good reasons why I’m fuckn awesome. 

happy bday Sakoyia 😍🎉 *mama had a little work to do today #makeupbyAjiaZ 

happy bday Sakoyia 😍🎉 *mama had a little work to do today #makeupbyAjiaZ 

First things first. As of now, I am a stay at home mom. I still do hair and makeup daily. just one or two gigs, not too much because I also breastfeed 🤱🏾 why is that important that I add that part you may ask?? Well for starters that means every 1-3 hours I am physically at the service of another human being (that’s 8-12 times a day 🤔). Which means I have to pause where ever I am at the moment to feed my baby so he can continue to grow and be healthy and happy 😃 (even if I’m hungry, sleepy, or tired). Yes. I birthed a beautiful boy 5 months ago today, who’s growing right in front of my eyes 👀 with my nurturing (And daddy & big sisters & granny’s spoiling him). 

look at this face. How could you not just hug him and squeeze him and kiss him and allat?

look at this face. How could you not just hug him and squeeze him and kiss him and allat?

Right now at this moment he’s a little stuffy so he wants to cry and eat and cuddle all day. So that 30 minute meal turns into a 2 and half hour attempt to sooth him (ok I like cuddling too his gorgeous are you kidding me?) I also have his beautiful, smart, funny 8, 12, & 15 year old sisters and 18 year old brother. We have daddy (hubby) and we all live comfortably under one roof 🎊😩🙏🏾 (Glory to God). Mom is my full time job. Running a business is a full time job. Staying sane is a full time job. It’s not easy but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

*exhale 🧘🏾‍♀️😅🤪 


How could I forget my other babies though?? Zubada Natural Beauty. She’ll be two years old this year. Orders are being placed almost every day even with minimal promotion. I have to say it is true quality sells itself (via word of mouth (thanks God). BUT in business you only get out what you put in (such as life). She’s taught me so much and I am very excited about where’s we are going. I am currently looking to hire brand ambassadors, sales reps & writers. (Email if you’re looking for a beauty brand to build with). 

Shop now

Shop now

And my sisters. Sister Code. The beautiful brainchild of me and my best friend Arielle. (your @favcousinelle) . Ten years ago (yep. 10; 5 then 5 more), we discussed speaking on camera to share messages with other women about things that we go through and lessons that we’ve learned. We would meet up once a week and just vent and it always seemed to be a lesson for us both by the end of our conversations. Last year (9 years later) we discussed filming at my house and uploading to YouTube. Arielle mentions it to her ppl, we get together, BOOM 💥 Sister Code becomes a podcast via iHeartRadio. Fast forward a year and we get to today. Our podcast can be downloaded on iHeart or iTunes AND WE ARE NOW the #1 podcast on the GULFCOAST!!!! Yeah. I’m tooting my own horn. One because I need that. From me first. And if you’ve read this far ya gotta love me too 🤷🏽‍♀️😂😎🤟🏾So you don’t mind if I share what’s good do you!? Nah? You’re happy for me!? 😃🙏🏾😩 cool  😎 


ok so back to my day to day. My house isn’t as clean as I’d like it to be at this moment (don’t judge the background in my pic it’s been cleaned, unorganized, and moved around since the pic was taken. Judge ya mama). I have clean things to put away. Clothes to organize and give away (lots of growing ppl over here) AND while we are on that subject might I add 5 months postpartum and I’m back baybeeeeeee! Lmao fine as ever 🤷🏽‍♀️ Flat tummy, fat ass, hair justa growing! 😂smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ (thanks to Zubada Natural Beauty products).



Looks like it worked. Praising myself on this post has changed my attitude. (Yes I am venting. Yes writing is totally therapeutic.)

I have so much to be thankful for! Did I mention that I’m deciding on a publisher? For my other baby?? My first children’s book. Illustrated by the one and only Melissa Deon Acevedo aka Medusa. Yea she’s the #1 artist on the gulfcoast. She happens to really really love me 😎🤪 so she’s found time to make that happen (yea, I’m bragging. She’s the shit I’m crushing on her too.)  

‘Medusa’ & Mekhi 💕 

Medusa’ & Mekhi 💕 


I’m pretty sure that’s enough for today. I’m good. Now I’m laughing at my to-do list (nah, Ian laughing but I’m feeling a bit more powerful now that I’ve reminded myself exactly who I am). Let’s get this day started (I know it’s late ijs #MOMLIFE the day starts after every nap. If we are lucky to get one. 😅 MF.)  

Im grateful. I dare you to count some of your blessings. We all pray and ask for GREAT things. Let’s not forget it takes WORK to be great. So we deserve the rest, actually it’s essential to success. Go easy on yourself MAMAS. Especially the ones taking good care of babies 👶🏾 (human and businesses). Whatever is good let’s focus on these things. Crush on you. Even if you can only put an hour or two toward your goals remember slow motion is better than no motion (and you can get nowhere fast). So take time out to look at where you are and how far you’ve come. It’s ok to say no to protect your peace. It’s ok to feel bad sometimes just remember just because you feel it doesn’t mean you should feed it. Feel it honestly even when it hurts. But be intentional in your healing DAILY. Even if it looks like taking a nap instead of washing a load of clothes bc you haven’t had rest. It can wait (Just get it done sooner than later lol).

we all have responsibilities. Most of them are blessings though. We complain about mortgage/rent while others are praying for it. We complain about going to work when others are praying for minimum wage. Ijs if being thankful is the cure to the blues and the key to happiness why not start there. Count ya blessings. Like really what’s good??? For me just finishing this blog post is praiseworthy. I’m feeding Mekhi as I finish up edits and tags.

Love yours. I know I prayed for this life I’m living. I am so blessed. I just didn’t know the magnitude of the phrase ‘to whom much is given much is required’. Now that I know though I’m gonna give it all I got! Lol after this nap though. Woooow 🎊🎉go moms. Who’s your #MCM MomCrushMonday ? Start with YOU! 😉



Chicken Taco Soup

Hey y’all! Sooooo lately I’ve been cooking more but running out of ideas. So I searched google for help and bam! A deliciously described recipe. I’ll share the link and my own personal pics below. Feel free to leave comments and questions!! It’s good luv, enjoy. 😆😁🤤

Final mix before cooking 🥘  

Final mix before cooking 🥘  



(Haven’t learned how to add a link so you’ll have to search 


Process Pics





Coconut Oil is definitely sent from GOD!!

Sooooo for over the last couple years everyone has been going crazy over raw coconut oil. In fact it is now categorized as a SUPER FOOD! I'll admit I only caught on after briefly working as a maid. I assisted a few other women in cleaning homes that were worth millions of dollars. They all had two things in common: scriptures in the most random places (bathroom mirrors, on the fridge, desks, etc.) & organic products in the pantries and even in the shower! Yes, rich women had jars and even spray bottles of raw coconut butter in their showers right next to high end body washes. So I figured it had to be something awesome about the oil, did my research and ahha! Coconut oil is indeed the bees knees (not sure where i got that phrase but it means good s*). I have personally used it to moisturize my hair and body. I also use it in several of Zubada's Natural Beauty products including Z Healing Mousse, Z Healing Scalp Stick, and as the base to our Coconut Mint balm as an anti-inflammatory and moisturizer. Its actually scientifically proven to speed up healing by killing off harmful microorganisms.

Check out this article:

13 Reasons You Should Be Using Coconut Oil Every Day


The Magic of CoCoa & Shae Butter: The OGs of Skin Healing

Ok so theres this very funny youtube video where a white woman is going off on black people for keeping all the good butters to ourselves. She nags about how for years black people have been using cocoa butter and shea butter to have the most beautiful skin and how she wants in on it!

I have to admit, my grandmother taught me a long time ago that cocoa butter and/or Shea butter are the answers to an even skin tone (reduction of scars, stretch marks, etc.) and as a kid id try it but found myself drifting away because like many other people i believed, "it can't be that simple."

Fast forward 20 years after using a countless number of products that mostly did more harm than good, I am here to say she was right. Check out these couple (out of millions) articles about cocoa butter:

Health Benefits

  • Stretch marks: Cocoa butter is widely used as a treatment for pregnancy stretch marks. With its A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, vitamins, it is excellent moisturizer for skin health. (Related article: 5 Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks)
  • Heart health: A 2006 study in the American Heart Association journal “Circulation: Heart Failure,” reported that middle-aged and elderly women who regularly ate a small amount of chocolate had a 32 percent lower risk of heart failure. Although scientists are not sure why, it could be from its oleic acid or its cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP), which may protect against heart disease. (Related Article: 4 Reasons You Should Add Raw Cacao To Your Diet)
  • Immune system health: Preliminary research indicates that CMP (cocoa mass polyphenol) actually helps suppress excessive T-cell activity in the immune system, which could lead to possible treatment in immune system conditions such as psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. (Related Article: 5 Wonder Herbs To Boost Immunity)
  • Skin health:  Cocoa butter has often been recommended for treatment of skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. Cocoa butter, when applied topically, creates a barrier between sensitive skin and the environment and helps retain needed moisture. In addition, cocoa butter contains cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP), a substance that inhibits the production of the immuno globulin IgE. IgE is known to aggravate symptoms of both dermatitis and eczema. (Related Article: Get Deliciously Flawless Skin With These Chocolate DIYs)
  • May help prevent cancer: Cocoa butter, like chocolate, contains a lot of CMP. It has been reported that CMP inhibits the growth of cancerous cells and tumors by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and the production of inflammatory cells.

( source:

Benefits of Raw Shea Butter 

Shea Butter Benefits

  • Moisturizing: The concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter makes it incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for skin. It is often used to remedy dry skin and to help protect the skin’s natural oils.
  • Reduces Inflammation: A 2010 study found that due to its cinnamic acid and other natural properties, shea butter was anti-inflammatory. (source) One compound in particular, lupeol cinnamate, was found to reduce skin inflammation and even potentially help avoid skin mutations. This also makes it beneficial for some people with acne.
  • Skin Smoothing: Shea butter aids in the skin’s natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. With long term use, many people report skin softening and strengthening as well as wrinkle reduction.


Shea Butter Uses

Shea butter is one of the most versatile natural beauty ingredients and I use it daily in some form. I’ve used it for years in everything from my homemade lotion bars and original magnesium body butter to homemade lip balms and healing salves.

Some of my favorite uses for Shea Butter:

  1. By itself for face and body as a natural moisturizer
  2. In a shea butter lotion bar stick for easy use
  3. Alone or in a pregnancy stretch mark salve to ward off stretch marks
  4. As the best under-eye wrinkle remover and bag-reducer
  5. For massage butter
  6. In velvety soft whipped body butter
  7. or basic homemade lotion
  8. As a base for homemade deodorant
  9. As an SPF 6 skin lotion
  10. In magnesium body butter
  11. As a natural baby-care product (alone) or ingredient in baby care recipes
  12. By itself on the lips or in homemade lip balms
  13. Or homemade shimmer lip balm
  14. To improve skin elasticity (some even say it helps with cellulite)
  15. On the hair or scalp (in mixture with other natural ingredients)
  16. In homemade liquid creme foundation and makeup
  17. After sun or beach exposure to replenish skin
  18. On the eyelids before applying makeup to make it last longer
  19. As a natural cuticle cream
  20. On scars to naturally help collagen production
  21. On sore/raw noses during a cold or flu


So far, 3 of Zubada Natural Beauty's  most popular products contain organic Shea butter. It is the base of our Healing Mousse, Z Coconut Mint Balm, and  Z Healing Scalp Stick. We also offer 100% Organic Raw Shea Butter for purchase from our site.