
​yea. I know. #MCM is supposed to mean “Man  CrushMonday” BUT today, i NEED to crush on ME. 

mommy & Mekhi. 4 months postpartum. Hungry. Happy. Sleepy. #momlife 

mommy & Mekhi. 4 months postpartum. Hungry. Happy. Sleepy. #momlife 

Today I want to feel appreciated. Not that being appreciated isn’t something we all yearn for, maybe even daily, im strategically using it today. I’m literally going to (speaking with intent) crush so hard on myself today I will laugh at my to-do list by the end of this blog post (goals af right??). 

SN: Just in case you haven’t caught on, I believe words have power and that I can change my attitude ONLY if I change my focus. So today I’ll celebrate me. 🤷🏽‍♀️

A few hours ago I saw a Facebook memory of a photo shoot I did for a friends boutique (I have to s/o LaShonta bc she’s a momprenuer as well and she’s mf POPPIN (she styled this photo)

had to give y’all a close up on the face #makeupbyAjiaZ ooowwww 😍🙏🏾🤷🏾‍♀️😂 photography: @Ziare251

had to give y’all a close up on the face #makeupbyAjiaZ ooowwww 😍🙏🏾🤷🏾‍♀️😂 

photography: @Ziare251

so anyway it popped up in my memories on Facebook...I shared it with the caption ‘such a cauuuutie’. I remember that day like it was yesterday even though it was 4 years ago. It was hot af, in the hood, under the highway with my bro tryna get a good shot. It was my first time being wearing my natural hair for a professional shoot and the humidity fluffed my hair up! It turned out great though. 😅It was a good day.

Anyway, after a minute Jade (BFF from college) comments on my post ‘still a cutie’ and Brittany (BFF from high school) shares the pic with the caption ‘I love EVERYTHING about her’. I don’t see or talk to either one of them often (both mommy’s to a brand/kids) but they’ve always showed love *drops happy tear*). This shifted my focus  to celebrating me instead of beating me up for not organizing my closet instead 😩🙏🏾

Now, words (comments) are interesting because they have more power when said at the right/wrong time. While on an average day I would just smile 😊 say thanks and move on when given a compliment; today, at that moment, I needed to be reminded that I am still EVERYTHING to love even when I haven’t done EVERYTHING I decide needs to be done. follow me?? So now we are here with this blog post full of gratitude and acknowledgement of myself and a few good reasons why I’m fuckn awesome. 

happy bday Sakoyia 😍🎉 *mama had a little work to do today #makeupbyAjiaZ 

happy bday Sakoyia 😍🎉 *mama had a little work to do today #makeupbyAjiaZ 

First things first. As of now, I am a stay at home mom. I still do hair and makeup daily. just one or two gigs, not too much because I also breastfeed 🤱🏾 why is that important that I add that part you may ask?? Well for starters that means every 1-3 hours I am physically at the service of another human being (that’s 8-12 times a day 🤔). Which means I have to pause where ever I am at the moment to feed my baby so he can continue to grow and be healthy and happy 😃 (even if I’m hungry, sleepy, or tired). Yes. I birthed a beautiful boy 5 months ago today, who’s growing right in front of my eyes 👀 with my nurturing (And daddy & big sisters & granny’s spoiling him). 

look at this face. How could you not just hug him and squeeze him and kiss him and allat?

look at this face. How could you not just hug him and squeeze him and kiss him and allat?

Right now at this moment he’s a little stuffy so he wants to cry and eat and cuddle all day. So that 30 minute meal turns into a 2 and half hour attempt to sooth him (ok I like cuddling too his gorgeous are you kidding me?) I also have his beautiful, smart, funny 8, 12, & 15 year old sisters and 18 year old brother. We have daddy (hubby) and we all live comfortably under one roof 🎊😩🙏🏾 (Glory to God). Mom is my full time job. Running a business is a full time job. Staying sane is a full time job. It’s not easy but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

*exhale 🧘🏾‍♀️😅🤪 


How could I forget my other babies though?? Zubada Natural Beauty. She’ll be two years old this year. Orders are being placed almost every day even with minimal promotion. I have to say it is true quality sells itself (via word of mouth (thanks God). BUT in business you only get out what you put in (such as life). She’s taught me so much and I am very excited about where’s we are going. I am currently looking to hire brand ambassadors, sales reps & writers. (Email shopzubada@gmail.com if you’re looking for a beauty brand to build with). 

Shop now www.AjiaZubada.com

Shop now www.AjiaZubada.com

And my sisters. Sister Code. The beautiful brainchild of me and my best friend Arielle. (your @favcousinelle) . Ten years ago (yep. 10; 5 then 5 more), we discussed speaking on camera to share messages with other women about things that we go through and lessons that we’ve learned. We would meet up once a week and just vent and it always seemed to be a lesson for us both by the end of our conversations. Last year (9 years later) we discussed filming at my house and uploading to YouTube. Arielle mentions it to her ppl, we get together, BOOM 💥 Sister Code becomes a podcast via iHeartRadio. Fast forward a year and we get to today. Our podcast can be downloaded on iHeart or iTunes AND WE ARE NOW the #1 podcast on the GULFCOAST!!!! Yeah. I’m tooting my own horn. One because I need that. From me first. And if you’ve read this far ya gotta love me too 🤷🏽‍♀️😂😎🤟🏾So you don’t mind if I share what’s good do you!? Nah? You’re happy for me!? 😃🙏🏾😩 cool  😎 


ok so back to my day to day. My house isn’t as clean as I’d like it to be at this moment (don’t judge the background in my pic it’s been cleaned, unorganized, and moved around since the pic was taken. Judge ya mama). I have clean things to put away. Clothes to organize and give away (lots of growing ppl over here) AND while we are on that subject might I add 5 months postpartum and I’m back baybeeeeeee! Lmao fine as ever 🤷🏽‍♀️ Flat tummy, fat ass, hair justa growing! 😂smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ (thanks to Zubada Natural Beauty products).



Looks like it worked. Praising myself on this post has changed my attitude. (Yes I am venting. Yes writing is totally therapeutic.)

I have so much to be thankful for! Did I mention that I’m deciding on a publisher? For my other baby?? My first children’s book. Illustrated by the one and only Melissa Deon Acevedo aka Medusa. Yea she’s the #1 artist on the gulfcoast. She happens to really really love me 😎🤪 so she’s found time to make that happen (yea, I’m bragging. She’s the shit I’m crushing on her too.)  

‘Medusa’ & Mekhi 💕 

Medusa’ & Mekhi 💕 


I’m pretty sure that’s enough for today. I’m good. Now I’m laughing at my to-do list (nah, Ian laughing but I’m feeling a bit more powerful now that I’ve reminded myself exactly who I am). Let’s get this day started (I know it’s late ijs #MOMLIFE the day starts after every nap. If we are lucky to get one. 😅 MF.)  

Im grateful. I dare you to count some of your blessings. We all pray and ask for GREAT things. Let’s not forget it takes WORK to be great. So we deserve the rest, actually it’s essential to success. Go easy on yourself MAMAS. Especially the ones taking good care of babies 👶🏾 (human and businesses). Whatever is good let’s focus on these things. Crush on you. Even if you can only put an hour or two toward your goals remember slow motion is better than no motion (and you can get nowhere fast). So take time out to look at where you are and how far you’ve come. It’s ok to say no to protect your peace. It’s ok to feel bad sometimes just remember just because you feel it doesn’t mean you should feed it. Feel it honestly even when it hurts. But be intentional in your healing DAILY. Even if it looks like taking a nap instead of washing a load of clothes bc you haven’t had rest. It can wait (Just get it done sooner than later lol).

we all have responsibilities. Most of them are blessings though. We complain about mortgage/rent while others are praying for it. We complain about going to work when others are praying for minimum wage. Ijs if being thankful is the cure to the blues and the key to happiness why not start there. Count ya blessings. Like really what’s good??? For me just finishing this blog post is praiseworthy. I’m feeding Mekhi as I finish up edits and tags.

Love yours. I know I prayed for this life I’m living. I am so blessed. I just didn’t know the magnitude of the phrase ‘to whom much is given much is required’. Now that I know though I’m gonna give it all I got! Lol after this nap though. Woooow 🎊🎉go moms. Who’s your #MCM MomCrushMonday ? Start with YOU! 😉



Back 2 Werk!

Awwww man. Ok so first of all GOD IS GOOD! I am currently recovering from surgery. This week was my first week back to work (aka the first time I've been able to style someones hair without pain since 2014)! Long story short, I couldn't use my right hand at all for 5 weeks. Thats 35 days. 840 hours. No typing, no writing. *deep sigh. Thats also a long time to go without using my gift to enhance beauty and uplift souls all in the same meeting. I couldn't do anyones makeup, hair, i couldn't even do brows. Me without brows is like pancakes without syrup, ya feel me? Ive been slaying (the good, the bad, and the ugly) brows since i was 14 in the gym at school. I used to cut half of my own brows off in the name of a bomb ass arch. (that was ten years ago. I currently only pluck like 4 hairs I'm over that trend). That ability was gone for me momentarily. It was scary. I couldn't 'write my plans & make em plain'. Which has my perspective on TEN right now after having that gift I took for granted BACK. I just wanna share it all. I want to share my gift, my secrets, my tips that i've leaned about beauty. From the fact that beauty starts within (drink you water, love yourself) to tips on a dramatic hollywood look. I am in love with being a woman and expressing myself. I am in love with Gods creativity, how he managed to make us all different yet all so beautiful. I wanna be the one to say its cool, wear your weave girl, rock your natural hair, you're so pretty without makeup and man your makeup is beautiful! See, I struggled with finding my beauty. It wasn't because it wasn't there it was because I was looking for beauty on someone else's scale. Beauty can not be placed in a box and for years thats what I tried to do. It really is in the eye of the beholder so if you feel beautiful that is beautiful! Ya following me?? So now that I  know what beauty truly is (perspective) I wanna focus on the beauty of Art. Art makes no error. To sum it up I am thankful for my journey and what Im learning in life. Ill be posting more art that matters TO ME. I am no longer looking for ways to be clever. I am only interested in being honest. With love, 

AjiaZ <3

AjiaZ's 'No MakeUp' Makeup

So am I the only one who's noticed a shift in 'it girl' look'?? Suddenly the world wants to appreciate 'natural beauty'. But we still want the enhancements!!! (naturally lmao) ok so any who! Ive finally created an easy less than 5 minute tutorial to show you guys how to achieve an everyday 'no makeup' look! Let me know what you guys need help with and i will get to it!! Enjoy 

HI!!! I am AjiaZ, MUA with 10+ years of experience. Its taken me forever to create a video but here it finally is! Ok, I'm old school (aka I believe less is more) so although a beat face is all the rave these days, I personally prefer less makeup for an everyday look.