Mother Natures Magic

What if a nurse told you that whatever goes on your body will be inside your blood stream within 30 seconds??

Google it. It's true.

When I found out this new fact first thing my mind went to was every product that I use in my daily beauty routine. I use toothpaste, deodorant, soap, lotion, and maybe a few sprays of perfume or cologne.

I immediately googled to see what ingredients were in my favorite bath and body works lotion and body spray. Sweet Pea. The list of ingredients broke my heart. I did not recognize majority of the ingredients and couldn't even pronounce over half.

So I took matters into my own hands, I did the research. During my research I discovered organic ingredients contain HEALING properties. Coconut oil all the rave because of its 'magical' properties. There are a list of ingredients that come from the earth that are anti-infammatory, coconut oil, Shea butter, and tea tree are part of that list. There are a list of ingredients that come from the earth that are antibacterial, aloe vera, tea tree, and avocado are included in this list.

So what happens when you blend these healing ingredients?? MAGIC. 

My concern wasn't miraculously birthed when a stranger told me everytijng that goes on our bodies will soon be in them. My concern started as a makeup artist wondering why my clients had breakouts and different reactions to different makeup brands and my concern grew after my daughter became old enough to be interested in using lip balm and other products herself. I remember reading on a tube of a popular brand lip balm 'harmful if swallowed'. *blank stare*
If its harmful to swallow, why in the world would I apply it to my mouth??

Ok now back to my research. Name any fruit or vegetable or nut and 9 times out of ten it contains vitamins & minerals that are ESSENTIAL to a healthy body. I've been in business over a year and from day one I knew I'd have to let people in on the power in these ingredients. So the next few articles will be the official break down of whats what.  



Happy Birthday Nedra!

Ok so, i'm working on a piece of work that includes as many pix and clips of the magical beauty in black girls (whew) that I could document in one year. So far i've documented dozens of HEALTHY NATURAL heads of hair that come in many different textures (all to prove that healthy hair is good hair, there is no specific texture exclusive to one race or a "mixed breed"). Anywho, my buddy Nedra was one of the first people to be on board with my project and today is her birthday!!! So i'm gonna share some really pretty pix of my friend. Check out this black girl magic! 



Okay I couldn't help myself! lol my original plan was to strictly blog about beauty here but ummmmm technically art is beauty. Art is everything and music my friend is one of my favorite art forms. 

Now that we're past that check out this super swaggy music video shot by @ZIare251 & Halo for @Pikassofly latest single 'HIM'!! I had to share with you guys bc the song is ridin like a mf, the whole crew was there (do ya see me ?? do ya see me?? lmao) aaaaand just watch the video you'll understand why I couldn't keep it to myself! Fly shit from a fly guy. ;)

Confessions of An Indecisive Entrepreneur

Ok so, (*deep sigh) I feel as if I must vent in order to move past my procrastination (or maybe I'm just procrastinating? either way bare with me).

I am a 27 year old creator of natural beauty products, I am also a working, tax-paying, mother. I clock in about 25-35 hours a week & I am self-employed. I've been self-employed since I was 17 clocking in since I was 16.

Within the last ten years i've worked fast food, retail, as an administrative assistant to a forensic investigator, a MAC girl, ummmmmm lets see, as a teacher in a daycare (had 8 two-year olds), i've sold shoes, i've cleaned houses (yes, I've scrubbed strangers toilets), all while doing hair and makeup part time.

Over the years i've made anywhere from $5.50 (as a teacher and front counter at Mickey D's) to $14 an hour (as a make up artist at the mall). As a self-employed makeup artist/ hair stylist i've made anywhere from $5-$200 per hour for my services. I've made a months salary in a day working for myself. 

Here's the catch.

When I work for anyone other than myself I have to work on THEIR TIME. So wether I am in the mood or not if I am scheduled the work must be done. At the end of the week or month I have made a certain amount thats pretty consistent. 

When I work for myself I must first find the work to create a schedule. So I am no longer just making money I am also spending money on advertisements and spending a lot more time because as my own boss I have an entire new list of responsibilities. Ive become my own marketing director, creative director, journalist, manager, model, accountant, web designer (and upkeep), photographer...i'm my own customer SERIOUSLY I make my own makeup and body butters (working on a cleanser). This is exciting but it can become very overwhelming if you're indecisive and time isn't used wisely. Patience is just as important. Look at your dreams like a baby being conceived as a thought then months later growing into a being like us. Too many months too early could destroy it all...Great things take time. 

So i've been back and forth with myself to what is most beneficial. At the end of the day bills are still coming in, I love to eat good food and mama's got a reaaaaalllll shopping habit, its bad y'all. So i've decided to just do it! Do it all. Strategize. Organize (2017 mood board). Keep going.

Successful entrepreneurship is not for the weak. It isn't for the undisciplined. It is strictly for those who understand you only get back what you put out. Ya don't work ya don't eat. PAY THE COST TO BE THE BOSS. You gotta be honest with yourself through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Learn from your mistakes and move on. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU HAVE & WORK WITH IT.

Ya gotta keep going. Everyday. Every moment. Every to-do on your list must be done daily and consistently to see the full birth of your dreams. This is a note to self and anyone who may need the reminder. Keep going. 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.



Peace & Love AjiaZ <3



Interested in making extra cash for the holidays? Or just another source of income?? Email me

Better or Worse

Everybody wants some 'for better or worse' shit until you going through the worst shit lol

(it aint the worst shit you just dramatic seeing your love aint perfect)

A little less than rich...kinda closer to poorer shit

If thats how you look at it

Time & money our greatest investments

Fall back or put more into it??

Did we really say until death do us part??

No longer two but one  

Let go of the bullshit

To gain a whole heart.



sidetone:  Even if its chipped,

ya gotta love (wit)it. 


(conversations with friends; lost in thought...ft.  april frazier) 

that little voice in your head telling you which way to move...

you trust it right?? 

Of course he's a part of YOU.

yea but thats EGO

dat nigga be trippin

your heart could be full of joy

and Ego will have you flippn

questioning your own thoughts 

and your own heart

and your own being

shut him tf up so we can get some PEACE

my heart & mind want ease. 



In a conversation with a friend she expressed how much she loved providing services. 

She loved to do manicures & pedis. She loved coloring hair to a clients perfection. She talked about being tipped $100 once just because of her service.

That reminded me of a time as a waitress i was tipped $100. The guests were about 6 white men who arrived on motorcycles, They wore rebel flags on their leather vests and Devil's Disciples was written across their back (true story, it was in south Alabama btw).

At first I saw men. Then I saw symbols and words that represented (what I was taught to be) 'evil' things.

A few of the girls (white girls too) expressed that they hoped they didn't sit in their section (they do that about lots of people black white foreign young old...just depends on wether or not they 'look broke or weird'). 

So they walk in and yep, you guessed it, sat in my section. Even though they were 'scary bikers' I served them like i'd serve my boss. I waited on them like i'd want to be waited on. They told jokes and were thankful for my service.

They left me $100 tip. The 'scary bikers' no one wanted to serve because we were too busy judging people we didn't know anything about left me 5 crispy 20 dollar bills (I was making $2/hour and tips which barely added up to $100 so a single tip being that much was totally awesome).

Im sharing this just to remind myself anyone else who needs a reminder, the golden rule is still very golden. When we serve others without reverence to what he/she can or can't do for us that energy comes back to us! Sometimes sooner than later. Be positive, serve others, thats love lol  




Thank you for all of your support! Wether you make a purchase, share a post or like a status here's to just simply doing that. Here's 25% off any purchase any amount! Free gift while supplies last. <3

Mission Accomplished!!!

Thanks to Full Sail University I am now certified in Media Communications! I am super duper proud of myself because 1.) I DID IT! 2.) I haven't done it (graduated) since 2007! lol (don't judge me) any who *deep sigh I have some cool stuff up my sleeves that I was taught and can't wait to show you guys!! Stay tuned! <3

Just in Case I 'Die' Too Soon

“Tomorrow’s uncertainty promotes the urgency in the things that i’m about to say… Wale Folarin

I Hear the Good Die Young


Just in case I ‘die' too soon,

Let my daughter know she’ll do great in anything she puts her mind to,

That I lived & loved without my mommy too,

That even though you can’t see God you’re never really lonely bc as long as you’ve got a heart

beat thats proof, God is with you...

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…


Just in case I ‘die' too soon tell my husband i'll always love him, not even death can do us

part...tell him even though he’ll never find another like me God's got him,

He can still love too…

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…


Just in case I ‘die' too soon, 

Let my brothers and sisters and cousins and friends know heaven is REAL 

Mom & dad, grandaddy, the babies & everyone else are all still beautiful & happy too,

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…


Just in case I die too soon tell my nieces and nephews CHIN UP!

Only the strong survive so for sure you’re gonna survive too...

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…

Just in case I die too soon tell everyone you love that you really love em every chance you get.

Buy her roses while she’s still here if you think there’s a chance you’d show up at her funeral…tell

em you’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright...


Just in case I die too soon COUNT IT ALL JOY!

Energy cannot to be created or destroyed, 

No one ever really ‘dies’

We just go off to be in another world, 

Where we are needed to learn & teach just a little bit more…


Rest In Heaven DeLauna 'VonFabulous' Powell…she’s a beautiful girl, creative genius, mommy, friend, & inspiration to soooooo many. She could’ve been ME, dying too soon….so it hurts for me to imagine dying too soon or losing a loved one once again or how her daughter and mom and friends must feel...She’s not just me I’m not just her but WE, WE ALL DIE, without warning but we live like theres a forever here in this life. Then death comes around and reminds us that we don’t control shit. God lets us CHOOSE to live and die, be happy or sad, thankful or ungrateful…just until your job here is done. I’ve loved and i’ve lost…the only way to stay sane is to have faith in a grand plan that no one can understand…i have good days and bad ones too…to remain sane I am thankful to live instead of being afraid to die...

Faith over fear.

Rest In Paradise gorgeous...May you & God watch over your princess. <3 <3 <3

Solange: A Seat at the Table #BlackGirlMagic2016

Yea! I said it! lol And I mean every word. Solange Knowles (one of my favorite natural beauties) is and has always been an inspiring, original, multi-talented artist, both singing and dancing (and vogueing) to the beat of her own drum. If you're oblivious to her accomplishments both in the fashion and music world, just listen, you'll want to do research and dig up any picture she's ever taken, song she's written and/or been featured on. Her voice is crisp and soft, sultry and certain. Every song is so deep and soooooo what I (as a black woman) FEEL (see track 9: Don't Touch My Hair).

Dont test my mouth, they say the truth is my sound.
— Solange Knowles "Don't Touch My Hair"


I feel exactly what she's describing. I can feel her joy and pain through the music. I feel her strength. Thats like super rare for music these days.  The majority of mainstream artists don't really feed their audience valuable substance anymore. It Solange gave us A Seat at the Table and a served us 21 nourishing dishes. So for me to attempt to make this a quick 'Ajia thinks Solange is the shit' rant, or post...I literally had to blog about it. Im Almost seven years into blogging. Ive lately become extremely crucial on myself about what I share with my audience. Words stir up emotions...this album is raw. She tells it like it is but with strength. Kinda like when you can laugh about something that used to make you cry...even if the laugh is just to keep from crying. Ok ok lemme break it down to a few key points bc yeah, shits just got that real:


My favorites (just bc saying the entire album doesn't explain why shits so real)

A Seat at the Table

1. Rise "Fall in your ways so you can crumble" "Walk in your ways so you won't crumble." These phrases along with six other phrases say to me...Be purposeful in your walk to stand strong. If we fall in our ways we crumble. This says to me bad habits will leave you in crumbles. Go listen and let me know what you take from it.

2. Ok first off, I tried to take moments to really soak everything, write a short review of each song.......hahahahaha and I got lost lmao. If you haven't listened by now WAKE UP!!!! LMAO Everything above this paragraph was written around 2 am monday. Its 11:45pm tuesday afternoon and I'm still listening, I just can't put in words the magnitude of the blessing of her words and energy bring. 

3. Ok so by the time you get through the album you'll wonder if Solo put one in the air to channel the late great Aaliyah. Thats literally the only artist that can compare to the mellow, sexy, and nonchalant vibe of this album. I hate to bring anyone up to describe how nice Solange is on the mic but come on just close your eyes and listen.

4. Aight so for any non-black people who've wanted to gain an understanding bad enough that you've actually reached this point: Listen to track 8 (Tina Taught Me) followed by track 13. If you still have questions like why we always 'so mad' lol listen to track 5 (Dad Was Mad) followed by track 6. Solange is her mama and daddys daughter. Bottom line. And she just so happens to have the gift and courage to speak up for those of us who don't. Thanks Solange!!!  

5. Like I'm so inspired I'm arranging 'A Seat At The Table' Luncheon for black business women. This album is a reminder thats it's ok for us black women to be emotional. To be vulnerable and to be a bitch if need be without being labeled 'the angry black woman' we are all just human. Well we do have that black girl magic no one else possess but that can mean a range of things (like the ability our hair has to defy gravity and take and hold any shape we feel necessary). 

6. This is my favorite album of all time. Because for me as a 27 year old black woman in 2016, I've gone through a lot with myself, family, friends, and associates. Just the world around me in general. I've often felt misunderstood. Been called crazy all my life lol only to hear an album like this remind that I may be crazy but nah not stupid. This is a tough body to live in in todays world. I own that shit. Solo just reminded us in 21 tracks that we better be fuckn proud bc we have every right to be. I AM. <3 

7. Can I just say s/o to Solo for featuring the great Master P. The man who broke records and paved the way for other rap artists from the streets. S/o to Wayne for spilling his heart. Lord knows so many of us needed the reminder to let go. S/o to Tweet for blessing us wit a moment her voice is angelic. Ok I can't continue to go on bc I won't stop!!! Play F.U.B.U. and know I'm vibing wit you right now!!! <3 <3 <3 <3



with love,




Wait! I forgot to mention the powerful imagery!!! How could I forget!!

Solo's visuals feature beautiful natural black girls of every shade. This shows little black girls everywhere their own beauty in the media. Growing up we only saw black women with relaxed hair so we relaxed our hair in the name of beauty.&nbsp;&nbs…

Solo's visuals feature beautiful natural black girls of every shade. This shows little black girls everywhere their own beauty in the media. Growing up we only saw black women with relaxed hair so we relaxed our hair in the name of beauty.  Its that important. The album means so much to my black girls.

I think the point she's making is when you're confident and beautiful it sensate matter what you wear, bc YOU wear the clothes, they shouldn't ever wear you.

I think the point she's making is when you're confident and beautiful it sensate matter what you wear, bc YOU wear the clothes, they shouldn't ever wear you.

"A Seat at the Table" Digital Album Available Now!

Back 2 Werk!

Awwww man. Ok so first of all GOD IS GOOD! I am currently recovering from surgery. This week was my first week back to work (aka the first time I've been able to style someones hair without pain since 2014)! Long story short, I couldn't use my right hand at all for 5 weeks. Thats 35 days. 840 hours. No typing, no writing. *deep sigh. Thats also a long time to go without using my gift to enhance beauty and uplift souls all in the same meeting. I couldn't do anyones makeup, hair, i couldn't even do brows. Me without brows is like pancakes without syrup, ya feel me? Ive been slaying (the good, the bad, and the ugly) brows since i was 14 in the gym at school. I used to cut half of my own brows off in the name of a bomb ass arch. (that was ten years ago. I currently only pluck like 4 hairs I'm over that trend). That ability was gone for me momentarily. It was scary. I couldn't 'write my plans & make em plain'. Which has my perspective on TEN right now after having that gift I took for granted BACK. I just wanna share it all. I want to share my gift, my secrets, my tips that i've leaned about beauty. From the fact that beauty starts within (drink you water, love yourself) to tips on a dramatic hollywood look. I am in love with being a woman and expressing myself. I am in love with Gods creativity, how he managed to make us all different yet all so beautiful. I wanna be the one to say its cool, wear your weave girl, rock your natural hair, you're so pretty without makeup and man your makeup is beautiful! See, I struggled with finding my beauty. It wasn't because it wasn't there it was because I was looking for beauty on someone else's scale. Beauty can not be placed in a box and for years thats what I tried to do. It really is in the eye of the beholder so if you feel beautiful that is beautiful! Ya following me?? So now that I  know what beauty truly is (perspective) I wanna focus on the beauty of Art. Art makes no error. To sum it up I am thankful for my journey and what Im learning in life. Ill be posting more art that matters TO ME. I am no longer looking for ways to be clever. I am only interested in being honest. With love, 

AjiaZ <3

Goddess Locs Natural Hair Journey

Hello!! Today is a new beginning! Whats new in my life (that has me so excited i'm blogging again, finally after what seems like a horrific amount of time) *exhale I am finally an all natural girl! My big sister Tiffany started my natural goddess locs. Goddess locs do not differ much from dreadlocks. From an aesthetic point they're just a more girly version (as seen on lisa bonnet & megan goode). I've been relaxer (perm) free for about 2 years. I got my first relaxer about twenty years ago when i was just about six years old. An older cousin mixed up a kiddie perm just for me. It burned. Bad. But I was 'pretty'. My hair being straightened or having my kinky curls stretched out was how my generation and quite a few before had been brainwashed to believe was the standard of beauty. For the next twenty years my sister Jasmine (one of the best stylists in our city) and I straightened my hair, cut my hair, curled my hair, dyed my hair, braided it down and add extensions added to it etc. etc. So i'm sorta burnt out on the pressure; the pressure to detangle, relax, straighten and basically manipulate my hair into a foreign state regularly. Don't get me wrong, I still have a couple bundles of Brazilian weave in a bag at my salon space. Those bundles got me through so many 'ugly days' lol. I'm just ready for something different. Not to mention my baby girl can only believe what she sees. Mommy can't be an advocate for natural beauty yet neglect to take care and even sometimes where my natural hair! lol So I quit the creamy crack slowly but surely (went from an entire relaxed head to only relaxing my edges to finally giving it up completely). The last few weeks before I finally did it I wore Ghana braids (cornrows using extensions and a feed in method). I had an appointment set for faux locks earlier this week actually. So remember big sis Tiffany the one who locked my hair? She just started her loc journey five weeks ago. This is what made me finally give in lol. We sort of look alike so I could picture myself with them, even in what some call 'the ugly stage. My baby brother has locks. They've grown down his chest in about seven years. He started his after our mother passed. She had thick locks like Lauryn Hill. Also my son has locks. He started his three years ago and today they sit pass his shoulders. My new sister-in-law has blonde locks. She's a doctor. Seeing her rock hers flawlessly broke down the "unprofessional" stereotype that once had me thinking I shouldn't ever (if i want to be seen as a pro) have locks. These five are my main inspirations. Not to mention my clients. I've been a professional natural stylist for almost three years. In this time I've witnessed the longest most luxurious hair and the worst case scenarios too. Ive come to the conclusion that healthy hair is GOOD hair. *yall don't hear me lol

My relaxed hair was thin and only grew down my back after I stopped getting relaxers. Now i know plenty women who have long relaxed hair but i am neither of them. I can only speak from my experiences and my opinion. So I am excited! So excited i've decided to take my readers with me on my goddess loc journey!! Oh I like the way that sounds too lol say it out loud GODDESS locks <3 Stay tuned! 



My 'transitioning' hair. The thicker bottom half is natural. The top brittle half is relaxed

My 'transitioning' hair. The thicker bottom half is natural. The top brittle half is relaxed

Flip-Method Sew-In using curly Brazilian for mommy; natural curls for baby
Braids by Neisha Faye

Braids by Neisha Faye

MaLiyah Ree and TiTi AjiaZ
Locs 2 Months Old

Locs 2 Months Old