Mother Natures Magic

What if a nurse told you that whatever goes on your body will be inside your blood stream within 30 seconds??

Google it. It's true.

When I found out this new fact first thing my mind went to was every product that I use in my daily beauty routine. I use toothpaste, deodorant, soap, lotion, and maybe a few sprays of perfume or cologne.

I immediately googled to see what ingredients were in my favorite bath and body works lotion and body spray. Sweet Pea. The list of ingredients broke my heart. I did not recognize majority of the ingredients and couldn't even pronounce over half.

So I took matters into my own hands, I did the research. During my research I discovered organic ingredients contain HEALING properties. Coconut oil all the rave because of its 'magical' properties. There are a list of ingredients that come from the earth that are anti-infammatory, coconut oil, Shea butter, and tea tree are part of that list. There are a list of ingredients that come from the earth that are antibacterial, aloe vera, tea tree, and avocado are included in this list.

So what happens when you blend these healing ingredients?? MAGIC. 

My concern wasn't miraculously birthed when a stranger told me everytijng that goes on our bodies will soon be in them. My concern started as a makeup artist wondering why my clients had breakouts and different reactions to different makeup brands and my concern grew after my daughter became old enough to be interested in using lip balm and other products herself. I remember reading on a tube of a popular brand lip balm 'harmful if swallowed'. *blank stare*
If its harmful to swallow, why in the world would I apply it to my mouth??

Ok now back to my research. Name any fruit or vegetable or nut and 9 times out of ten it contains vitamins & minerals that are ESSENTIAL to a healthy body. I've been in business over a year and from day one I knew I'd have to let people in on the power in these ingredients. So the next few articles will be the official break down of whats what.