Just in Case I 'Die' Too Soon

“Tomorrow’s uncertainty promotes the urgency in the things that i’m about to say… Wale Folarin

I Hear the Good Die Young


Just in case I ‘die' too soon,

Let my daughter know she’ll do great in anything she puts her mind to,

That I lived & loved without my mommy too,

That even though you can’t see God you’re never really lonely bc as long as you’ve got a heart

beat thats proof, God is with you...

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…


Just in case I ‘die' too soon tell my husband i'll always love him, not even death can do us

part...tell him even though he’ll never find another like me God's got him,

He can still love too…

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…


Just in case I ‘die' too soon, 

Let my brothers and sisters and cousins and friends know heaven is REAL 

Mom & dad, grandaddy, the babies & everyone else are all still beautiful & happy too,

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…


Just in case I die too soon tell my nieces and nephews CHIN UP!

Only the strong survive so for sure you’re gonna survive too...

You’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright…

Just in case I die too soon tell everyone you love that you really love em every chance you get.

Buy her roses while she’s still here if you think there’s a chance you’d show up at her funeral…tell

em you’ll have bad days but you’ll have good ones too and its gonna be alright...


Just in case I die too soon COUNT IT ALL JOY!

Energy cannot to be created or destroyed, 

No one ever really ‘dies’

We just go off to be in another world, 

Where we are needed to learn & teach just a little bit more…


Rest In Heaven DeLauna 'VonFabulous' Powell…she’s a beautiful girl, creative genius, mommy, friend, & inspiration to soooooo many. She could’ve been ME, dying too soon….so it hurts for me to imagine dying too soon or losing a loved one once again or how her daughter and mom and friends must feel...She’s not just me I’m not just her but WE, WE ALL DIE, without warning but we live like theres a forever here in this life. Then death comes around and reminds us that we don’t control shit. God lets us CHOOSE to live and die, be happy or sad, thankful or ungrateful…just until your job here is done. I’ve loved and i’ve lost…the only way to stay sane is to have faith in a grand plan that no one can understand…i have good days and bad ones too…to remain sane I am thankful to live instead of being afraid to die...

Faith over fear.

Rest In Paradise gorgeous...May you & God watch over your princess. <3 <3 <3