Confessions of An Indecisive Entrepreneur

Ok so, (*deep sigh) I feel as if I must vent in order to move past my procrastination (or maybe I'm just procrastinating? either way bare with me).

I am a 27 year old creator of natural beauty products, I am also a working, tax-paying, mother. I clock in about 25-35 hours a week & I am self-employed. I've been self-employed since I was 17 clocking in since I was 16.

Within the last ten years i've worked fast food, retail, as an administrative assistant to a forensic investigator, a MAC girl, ummmmmm lets see, as a teacher in a daycare (had 8 two-year olds), i've sold shoes, i've cleaned houses (yes, I've scrubbed strangers toilets), all while doing hair and makeup part time.

Over the years i've made anywhere from $5.50 (as a teacher and front counter at Mickey D's) to $14 an hour (as a make up artist at the mall). As a self-employed makeup artist/ hair stylist i've made anywhere from $5-$200 per hour for my services. I've made a months salary in a day working for myself. 

Here's the catch.

When I work for anyone other than myself I have to work on THEIR TIME. So wether I am in the mood or not if I am scheduled the work must be done. At the end of the week or month I have made a certain amount thats pretty consistent. 

When I work for myself I must first find the work to create a schedule. So I am no longer just making money I am also spending money on advertisements and spending a lot more time because as my own boss I have an entire new list of responsibilities. Ive become my own marketing director, creative director, journalist, manager, model, accountant, web designer (and upkeep), photographer...i'm my own customer SERIOUSLY I make my own makeup and body butters (working on a cleanser). This is exciting but it can become very overwhelming if you're indecisive and time isn't used wisely. Patience is just as important. Look at your dreams like a baby being conceived as a thought then months later growing into a being like us. Too many months too early could destroy it all...Great things take time. 

So i've been back and forth with myself to what is most beneficial. At the end of the day bills are still coming in, I love to eat good food and mama's got a reaaaaalllll shopping habit, its bad y'all. So i've decided to just do it! Do it all. Strategize. Organize (2017 mood board). Keep going.

Successful entrepreneurship is not for the weak. It isn't for the undisciplined. It is strictly for those who understand you only get back what you put out. Ya don't work ya don't eat. PAY THE COST TO BE THE BOSS. You gotta be honest with yourself through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Learn from your mistakes and move on. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU HAVE & WORK WITH IT.

Ya gotta keep going. Everyday. Every moment. Every to-do on your list must be done daily and consistently to see the full birth of your dreams. This is a note to self and anyone who may need the reminder. Keep going. 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.



Peace & Love AjiaZ <3



Interested in making extra cash for the holidays? Or just another source of income?? Email me