What makes me an Alchemist:

Good day mate!! yall know the accent cough cough

Okay, yes, I must be extra extra, those who know know, those who didn’t know, welcome!! I am Ajia Z., blogger, writer, beauty and love guru. Yes, I have mastered the art of natural beauty (I have the paperwork, happy family and clientele to prove it). Yes, I am extremely proud of where I have come in this lifetime.

It started off kinda rocky for me. I lost my dad early, was in foster care for a brief moment then saved by my paternal grandma. Long story short I came from nothing, but LOVE. So I pretty much witnessed my grandparents make it happen with the very best of the bare minimum, if that makes sense.

I was an angry kid. I fought annually from 4th-11th grade. I stopped after briefly being transported through my local youth center. Became an orphan low key somewhere in there. BUT GOD!

At 31 and some change I can honestly say that I have everything Ive ever dreamed of and more. Big house ( I can hit a cartwheel in one of the hallways), healthy happy husband and a kids. Self-employed, BOSS mom (yes I hired my kids, you can too!). But the most important things I have are priceless & that’s PEACE & LOVE!!

I am writing this because I KNOW how powerful positive affirmations, ACTION, PRAYER and FAITH IS COMBINED. We literally have the mind power to CREATE the LIFE WE DREAM TO LIVE!!

This is my exclusive invitation to be a positive vibe in your weekly life, dassit. lmao ;) xoxo really though, I am asking that you subscribe and comment, inbox questions about life, love and business. I will be here more often to share what’s good!! Like back when it was simpler, ya know who blogging was fun before the ads and commercials. It brings me joy to uplift others. Writing is my first gift. Ive been so preoccupied with making a living I have neglected my gift, honestly. I am learning ME more everyday and honestly, I think its just God’s timing. I had been searching for inspiration which felt forced.

Today, right now, I am inspired to just go with the flow. So here I am saying hello and see you around on the internets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Clubhouse) @AjiaZ.


Clearly you’ve made it to this post because you’re an Alabama fan! If not, well bless your heart.  

In honor of the first day of college football I’m sharing this really awesome piece of artwork.   

Anywho! My husband is your typical man when it comes to football. Maybe a little worse. He doesn’t just watch his favorite Crimson Tide. He watches whatever game is playing. Bama just so happens to be his preferred game.  

My husband isn’t easily impressed. He’s worked hard his whole life and basically owns everything a man would want to own. So you can imagine how hard that makes it to buy gifts for him. 

Well well well. Mf. (Excuse me kids). Looky what I got done for him for our anniversary this year. To be honest with you, if I wasn’t blessed to be the sister of one of the greatest artist I’ve ever known, PIKASSO, this wouldn’t have been possible. Anyway, check this out: 


Free hand. He’s a beast 😩😂😂🤷🏽‍♀️🙏🏾🤟🏾😝🏈 


I’ll post the finished product when it’s done.