"BALLDROP" by Pikasso

Listen up!! This the one we gone toast to! 2021! Cheers to Pikasso for his latest single. I need you to hear it follow me there right quick———>>> BALLDROP then come back….


“YEA THIS SHIT LIKE MAGIC WITHOUT WAVING A WAND!!! Chess not checkers, the King playin the pawns….” Y’all heard it. Replay so you can catch ALL THE GEMS!! #FTHORKYS



Clearly you’ve made it to this post because you’re an Alabama fan! If not, well bless your heart.  

In honor of the first day of college football I’m sharing this really awesome piece of artwork.   

Anywho! My husband is your typical man when it comes to football. Maybe a little worse. He doesn’t just watch his favorite Crimson Tide. He watches whatever game is playing. Bama just so happens to be his preferred game.  

My husband isn’t easily impressed. He’s worked hard his whole life and basically owns everything a man would want to own. So you can imagine how hard that makes it to buy gifts for him. 

Well well well. Mf. (Excuse me kids). Looky what I got done for him for our anniversary this year. To be honest with you, if I wasn’t blessed to be the sister of one of the greatest artist I’ve ever known, PIKASSO, this wouldn’t have been possible. Anyway, check this out: 


Free hand. He’s a beast 😩😂😂🤷🏽‍♀️🙏🏾🤟🏾😝🏈 


I’ll post the finished product when it’s done.